Session 4 – Cholinesterase pharmacology, inhibitors and antidotes

16 Sep 2024

Session 4 – Cholinesterase pharmacology, inhibitors and antidotes

Chair and keynote lecturer: Palmer Taylor, San Diego (USA)

Time Lecture
16:15 Keynote Lecture: Palmer Taylor, San Diego (USA)
Balancing Central and Peripheral Nervous System Antidotal Actions of Oxime Reactivators to Acetylcholinesterase Inhbition
16:45 Senior Lecture: Yvonne Rosenberg, Rockville (USA)
Development of the post-exposure RS194B oxime against lethal sarin vapour and organophosphate insecticides in macaques
17:05 Senior Lecture (20 min): Anita Bosak, Zagreb (Croatia)
Detection of selective inhibitors of BChE in structurally and functionally different groups of molecules
17:25 Senior Lecture (20 min): Lukas Gorecki (Czech Republic)
Bifunctional compounds serving as versatile cholinesterase reactivators
17:45 Junior Lecture (10 min flash presentation): Nikolina Maček Hrvat (Croatia)
Attenuating organophosphate-induced neuroinflammation in mice by oxime therapy
17:55 Junior Lecture (10 min flash presentation): Cecilia Springer Engdahl (Sweeden)
Design and Evaluation of Acetylcholinesterase Reactivators: A study of reactive oxime- and peripheral site-moieties